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"The greatest gift you can give the World is a healthy you."

What is it?

Spiritual Psychology Coaching offers you the leverage of your Soul’s perspective on your life’s events, purpose, challenges, opportunities, and blessings.

It connects you with the guidance from your High Self and supports you in accepting your Earth school curriculum - the challenges and unresolved issues you are here to heal and the natural gifts and talents you are here to share.

These opportunities may be showing up as challenges in your relationships, communication, health, self-image, finances, creative expression, professional life, Self-commitment etc.

Purpose & Benefits

Spiritual Psychology Coaching sessions provide you with the skills and practices to identify, address and transform your mental-emotional-behavioral patterns that are limiting your success, prosperity, authentic happiness, and fulfillment.

The skills and practices you learn and practice through sessions are for life and can be utilized in all other areas including helping you facilitate others’ through their challenges and growth opportunities; as a leader in your workplace, as a conscious parent raising empowered children, as an adult child of your elderly parents, in making authentic connections, building community and inspiring positive impact and change wherever you go.

For an introductory conversation, session inquiries and bookings email

Group Workshops 
  • The Holistic Workshop for Women:

- Understand & Heal the relationship between your Psychology (thoughts, emotions, past wounds & experiences), Physiology (bio-chemical, biological systems, physical health symptoms), Self-Relationship & Self-Commitment.

  • Empowering Men's Health:

- Addressing & Healing the root causes of stress, anxiety and depression. Freeing yourself from limiting gender-specific roles.

  • Co-Creation & Manifestation:

- Learning the tools of Mind Mapping, Ideal Scenes, Living Vision, taking Inspired Action, Asking for & Receiving Support, Addressing & Releasing psychological & physical resistance to change.

  • Conscious Parenting:

- Raising Empowered Children who make wise choices.

This is a Leadership workshop for parents to children of any ages including adult children. 



Given the personal and confidential nature of Counseling, Healing & Therapeutic Coaching sessions and the sensitive nature of information shared by clients in individual and intimate group sessions, testimonials will only be provided directly and on a need-to-know basis.

It is recommended that you schedule an Introductory Spiritual Psychology Coaching session and experience the benefits and purpose of this offering to support you in further deciding to enroll in a 3-6 month or year-long program.

For an introductory conversation, session inquiries and bookings email


Watsapp 0097158-5010200

Submit Client Interview Form

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